Yoga plays a substantial role in changing the way our mind and body functions. Derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ , yoga is an enormous tool that focuses on the overall well-being of a person. In other words, yoga is equal to the physical, mental & spiritual well-being of a person. Some people recognize yoga as a synonym for physical exercises, but it is not limited to only physical well being.
Yoga is a vast concept, and physical fitness is merely a part of it. Also, we cannot refuse how yoga has helped to change the digital healthcare landscape . Yoga comprises three elements named poses (asanas), breathwork (pranayama) & meditation. Daily practice of yoga helps to improve the physical & mental performance of a person. We have listed all the essential benefits of yoga on the body and mind. Let’s discuss this in more detail from here on.
Yoga contains almost 84 asanas which help for the better functioning of the body. The foremost benefit of yoga is that it improves postures and balance. By practicing yoga regularly, you can develop the desired physique with organic practices.
A human being is a sub-merge of various emotions. One of these emotions is anger, which is not considered appropriate for mental health . Due to the busy schedule of life, we get frustrated even by petty reasons.. Yoga includes breath control and has various meditation techniques that help in anger management.
Nobody wants to look oldster than their actual age. But circumstances made them look so. The biggest reason behind premature aging is having stressful situations, anxiety, and not consuming a balanced diet . Yoga helps to reduce stress and anxiety that makes a person calm and reduces premature aging.
Initially, it might be difficult for you to touch your feet without bending your knees, but slowly you will see it happening. Another benefit of yoga is that it improves the flexibility and strength of the body. Regular practicing of Yogic asanas makes your bones strong that helps to enhance body strength.
Chronic inflammation is the biggest concern these days resulting in serious health issues like heart disease, depression, anxiety, and cancer. Research revealed, practicing yoga daily for 12 minutes helps in lowering the inflammation response of your body. Yoga releases dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins, known as the happiness hormones, which help lower anxiety and manage stressful situations.
Positivity is not genetic, rather a choice. Due to the excessive competition, inappropriate environment, and inability to manage personal & work-life, a person can get anxious. And, negativity is not less than cancer for humans. Its effect is not visible, but it harms a person internally. Yoga helps in removing all the toxins and negative thoughts that help to get an optimistic view of life.
At Epillo Health Systems, we want to help everyone lead a healthier and safer lifestyle everyday through products and services that connect, automate, disrupt and bring innovation to the digital and retail health landscape.
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